My Project: Clone Of

 Hello Everyone, MySelf Shoaib Ahmed, currently I am skilling up my self for Full Stack Web Development in Masai and Masai give me an opportunity to work on an individual project about which i am going to write in this Blog.Till Know I learn About the HtmlCascading Style Sheets (CSS),Javascript. Using the html,css,Javascript I Made a project. In this project I Cloned an indian startup E-commerce Website( So through This Blog I want to Share some glimpse of My Project, little bit Knowledge as well as my project experience.

1.Landing page :navbar

2.Dropdown Menu

3. Laning Page Footer

4.Login Page

5.Sign up page


7.Product page

8.Add to cart page
9. bucket area of website

10.Address page




14.payment-method-Net Banking

15.payment-method-Cash On Delivery



Here I am creating a clone of website, giving structure and layouts with the help of HTML, styling is done using CSS and functionality using Advance JavaScript(Fetch Api, Import export ,ES6 feature)and DOM.


OnOn the day, I was Assign this Project, First thing i Did was I directly go to the Original Website. Visit different area of the website two to three times so that First i will get familiar with the website responsiveness  and  it's Functionality. And after that I start making the notes of what features and functionality I will going to add and i can easily add to my project website. and for What Functionality I need external help and even need to search on google for understanding those functionality.


1.Time constraint:- In my case the Major factor is Time constraint, because in this website lots of functionality is used, and if i will not be able to copy that fucntionality then this project without this functionality will be soul-less, So in desigining this website I had a fight with the timing and finallly with dedication and never giving up attitude. I manage to add almost 60-70% functionality to my clone website. with in a 5days and 12hr. and total time alotted us to finish this project is 1 complete week.

2.CSS-conflict: During this project completion i have to face many conflict due to css,as in css some properties define for a particular element conflict the other element properties. and in this project lots of css properties is define, even multiple time for a single element as this element also link to the functionality of the website. which get easily affect by slight change in css properties.

3.Daily-Routine vs Work load:- This Project put me in great trouble, as Time is limited, Lots of structuring, Css designing, and Javascript coding is used in this. As I am fixed daily routine following type of person, And this routine i am following from last 1.5yr, routine includes, early bed, early morning get up, then Exercising for an hour, I am little bit concern about my health. Due to work load of this project I have to sit for a long time to beat the time line, this Routine disturb my routine for a week. But finally I am happy as my website functionality is ok. and I manage to complete my project within the given time-line.

4.library bootstrap template:- In this project there is also a need occur to use bootstrap library template, but due to lack of knowlege about how to use bootstrap or other libraries like tailwind css, i am not able to add this functionality to my website pages in a proper way, it is not even upto the mark to the functionality exist in original website( Due to this i waste my lots of time in scrolling and searching about how to use properly this library templete.


1.Learn Pressure handling:- By involving in this project, I learn how to handle pressure, and in worst to worst phase you have to belief in your potential, be focused on your goal, be consistant, avoid stress, and maintain healthy routine. and When even feel over burden just take a break and forget the work you are doing.involve your self some interested things your like the most for mood refreshment and give time to your body so that it feeling relax then after a break start the work your are previously doing.

2.Understand the imortance of preplanning for a day:- During this project, I try to follow the habit of preplanning for a upcoming day. This practice put me ahead of time, and finally able to complete my project 1 day and 12hr before the last submittion day of project.

3. Learn that how to use google efficiently:- There is a quote for IT-Tech people that  actual skill of the Tech people is there skill to search solution for the problem they are stucked in on seaching google , and in this project I become little bit familiar with this skill beacuse I did lots of search query to remove errors from my project, and success to solve many problems/errors which i am facing during the designing phase of this website.

4.Boosted Confident level:- After working alone on this project for a week without any guidance, help and support. My confidance level is boosted to next level, This give me a push to go ahead and face new challanges, Hope i will do well in upcoming year and able to achieve the status and respect in the society.

Thank you.
Hope you are doing well in your life.
